fck sht up in the best ways.
Put your talents to good use!
HOW can you disrupt the systematic oppressors that overlord our lives?
BE REBELIOUS - but be productive with that rebellion.
Productive Rebellion is at the core of the Original Goddess mission.
7.5x4" High Quality Vinyl Sticker
Never Forget They Work For US.
"It is our civic duty to alter or abolish destructive governments" is a quote directly from the Declaration of Independance. We must remember that we have X kings for less and that our tolerance level is out of control...and because of that, we are allowing far too much. And because of THAT we are in danger of losing everything we've fought for.
This is a 4x7.5" high quality vinyl sticker is a solid way to remind those around you that it was written into these documents that we are actually in charge here. So, take it. TAKE CHARGE.
Created equal?
We either are or aren't.
Every one of us is here based on the lottery of birth. No one is better than another through demographic.
What makes us better is how we treat ourselves and each other. But ALL people are entitled to personal power and freedom.
3x3 high quality vinyl sticker
#StaysWet is a water prompt.
We drink water to stay water.
Become the water that you drink, because water is fierce and powerful and it fills any and every space it is given.
Be water. Stay wet.
3x3 High Quality Vinyl Bumper Sticker
Stay wet. Stay water.
Water is fierce but it flows and fills into any space it comes across.
3x3 high quality vinyl sticker