Bringing Back The Ancient Tradition of Honoring and Celebrating A Girls Coming of Age.
It's time we encourage girls to look at their bodies and their cycles with love, knowledge and respect. This is the celebration we all had a right to when we became women, though most of us missed out on.
What is a Red Party? A Red Party is very much like a Sister Spa Night, but, with the intention of honoring the Rite of Passage into Womanhood through menstruation - therefore, it's also like a 'bEARTHday party', because there is a guest of honor being 'born' into a new part of her life. Gifts and Cake are completely appropriate and encouraged.
When Do You Throw A Red Party? Usually around the time of a girls first blood is when you would want to plan a celebration, however, it is also possible to organize an educational event for a group of girls between the ages of 8-15 to simply celebrate being girls and learn about their bodies and their menstruation options (conventional pads & tampons AND safer eco-alternatives such as sponges, cups & cloth pads).
Why are Red Parties Important? Most of us girls were not told much about our bodies or our menstruation options - we are lucky if we learn this information in a lifetime. Many of the women we talk to are suffering from illnesses and conditions that could have been avoided had they been given not only better options, but, were also encouraged to see themselves, their bodies and their cycles as a beautiful, essential and healthy parts of who they are.
Red Parties are intended to give this vital information a platform in a fun and interactive way. To help these young girls get in touch with their inner voice and to know how to value and honor themselves through each part of the cycle. After all - menstruation is NOT the main event - Ovulation is.
We believe it's important for every woman to understand how to chart their cycle, what each part of the cycle means and how they can best work WITH their flow than against it. This is true sex-education. If more girls knew that they were more likely to say 'yes' to sex when their body was wanting to make a baby, I believe more girls would be thinking twice about saying yes. When you pair this information with the encouragement to honor their bodies as sacred, girls are far more likely to make healthy choices for themselves and their future.
I'm Interested, What's Next? Please contact us (below) so we can begin talking about your vision and options regarding hosting a Red Party. A consultation is usually the first step where we can discuss your options and what a Red Party might look like for her (we like to meet people where they are at - developing a party well within everyone's comfort zone). Together we will develop a timeline of the event and the optional activities and ceremonies. We can be as involved or uninvolved as you wish to make her celebration as simple or as elaborate as desired! We have the resources to cover every detail if necessary, or we can just show up and perform ceremonies or activities (such as henna, foot bath, lead a discussion, etc.)
Moon Maiden Workshops For Youth We are also available to teach a workshop of this information in schools, Juvenile Facilities, Group Homes, etc. There is NO talk about sex options, it is strictly about fully understanding their cycles and options regarding it and honoring their bodies. This naturally reduces the risk of unwanted pregnancies and STD's.
Packages start at $200.00 | Payment Plans are available